BroughHill Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian has been purchased by Fell Legend Farm and will continue to promote the breed in Northern California.
BroughHill (pronounced Brufhill) Hadrian's Wall or 'Hadrian' is a licensed black stallion with no markings standing 13hh, and foaled in 1999 at Brough-Hill Farm in North Carolina. He is licensed with the Fell Pony Society and was used as a stallion in Canada before his arrival at Braeberry early September, 2004. We purchased him from Deerstones Farm in Canada.
Hadrian has a gentle temperament, and is lovely to be around. He's friendly, curious, and loves attention. He has a small pony head, strong, flat bone, and full mane and tail. His gait is smooth and he is enjoyable to ride, even for a beginner.
He participated in the Lincoln Lights Parade (photo on right) complete with tinsil and lights in winter of 2005.
If you have the Horse Illlustrated Jan 2005 issue, Hadrian is the cover photo, and the photo inside of a running Fell. The photos were taken when he was a three year old in Canada.