Braeberry Isabella
Isabella is sold and will be moving to Washington soon.

Mustahevonen Rheged's Trixie had a healthy bay filly very early on the 25th of May, 2012. Copperbeech Casper is her sire.
Isabella or 'Bella' is going to be a very similar build to her dam, likely she will stay at or under 13h. She is sweet and curious. Shortly after weaning I was in the stall with both fillies and she is the more timid initially, but after awhile she had no problems coming and getting hay off my lap or out of my hand. She has had basic handling the first few days of her life, then left to be a baby until weaning in September. She will soon have a halter and lead line to drag around, and get some more basic handling, initial feet trim and then be let out to pasture for the winter.
Thank you to Kim Pearson for the baby photos I have. She lives near the farm and gets to drive by and see them often.