Copperbeech Casper
Copperbeech Casper was foaled 2 May 2006 at Copperbeech Fells in Cornwall, England. His name, Casper, is of Persian origin meaning "Master of the Treasure." His barn name is Copper for his prefix and coloring.
Copper is in Eugene, Oregon for more intensive training with Kimberly (see Get Grounded Equine).
Click here for photos of Copper in training in Eugene.
Click here for videos of Copper in training in Eugene.
He has lovely movement and a pleasing temperament, just like his sire and dam. At last measurement, he was still just shy of 13h and filling out nicely. We are pleased with how he is maturing. His bone currently measures 10 inches.
Copper was selected not just on color, type and temperament but also a carefully researched pedigree. In England we were able to visit his sire, Rundales Garry, and dam, Brackenbank Elizabeth, in person before purchasing him. We have also seen a few others in his pedigree while on visits to England.

Copper has had lots of baby handling in England. On import, he missed his first flight, due to weather, and had to stay with the shipper for a few extra months, getting lots of handling, stall time, and moving from place to place via train, truck and finally plane, to Calgary, Canada. He arrived to us fit and healthy, despite the shipping delays. We shared ownership with StirlingRidge Farm for a couple of years, and he resided in Bend. While there, he was handled with Natural Horsemanship methods, and responded positively. He has always been friendly, gentle, and easy-going. He enjoys playing and working and demonstrates great intelligence. On purchasing all of him, we moved him to Medford, where he has been pastured with mares, stallions and geldings and on his own. He is social and enjoys pasture-mates.
He is gentle with the mares and foals in the pasture, learning his role well and taking correction from the mares as needed. He is available as a stud for live cover only on individual approved cases. If you are interested in AI, please contact us, we are looking into the possibilities. He currently resides in Eugene, Oregon. Please contact us if interested.
Copper has been FIS tested and he is clear.
Pictures below are from spring 2010, playtime in the field with a once paint stallion, now gelding. They are great pasture mates and playmates.